真诚  勤勉    达观  自然

YAN Kun 



Research Interests and Works

1 Difference equations description of the self-similar fractal extension and fractional-dimension extension

   Equations of self-similar fractal measure based on the  fractional-order calculus
      Calculating equations of dimension and measure of an ideal points set
  2 Approximate equivalent analytical solutions of a concise nonlinear dynamic equation with the self-nested structural characteristics and its applications
       The expressions of the basic analytical solution of a class of simple nonlinear differential equations

  Nonlinear differential equation expressions with the solution of approximate linear frequency conversion and the characteristics of the curve shapes of frequency conversion wave equations at the negative frequency

A general constructing form of the adaptive connection equation and its preset iteration method in discontinuous area of data curve
Research direction of  Jiansics or Dimennics about spectrum(or spectrum array) formed by series of laws and their connections in evolution processes of natural phenomena
 A general form of expansion (extended hyperbolic tangent function) of the classical Logistic function or S-curve (sigmoid curve) equation

  A connecting method of the mapping equations for the discontinuous (such as discontinuous with the dislocation and  the turn-back) areas of the general curves

  Equation of the transformation of the phenomena between the states in evolutionary process (which included the equation form of the smooth curve of a natural optimum principle or a natural conciseness principle in general )
    Simple constructing  forms of the forward partial-symmetrical equation(or weak-symmetrical equation) and the backward partial-symmetrical equation in the
saturation process
     An approximate expression of extended hyperbolic tangent series for the characteristic function of the series phases transition of the evolution of phenomena and the
natural evolution-balance rule

    Extended direction of the general distribution function and the general distribution density function
  4  General tendency equation of the natural saturation process curve, the creep process curve of material and the electrical characteristic curve of component

  A prediction for an electronic circuit element (Nonlinstor) with the deepening charge-controlled capacitor properties based on the form of the nonlinear differential equation  
     A tendency equation of the resistance (or resistivity)-absolute temperature characteristics near the zero resistance value for the superconducting material
     Tendency fitting equations
of the direct current I-U characteristic curve of the bicrystal Josephson junction and the current step amplitude of Shapiro steps
    Tendency equations of the friction-speed characteristic curve (which included the stages of Coulomb friction, Stribeck friction, viscous friction,
friction hysteresis, and anomalous friction hysteresis effect ) in mechanical system or servo system
  Tendency equations of the shear stress-shear rate in the flow curve (that included the sections of first Newtonian fluid-flow, pseudoplastic flow, second Newtonian fluid-flow, dilatant flow, turbulent flow, and anomalous shearing effect) of the polymer melts
     Similarity in the fractal measure expressions of the evolutions of fracture cracks growth structure and fluid turbulent eddies nested structure

5 Mechanical equation of one-way velocity of light(or equation of one-way speed of light) for the constancy of two-way velocity of light(invariance of two-way speed of light)
Experimental criterion equation for the closed strings model of the photon (the general refraction equation of the photon with one same rotation plane and the equation of the photon-well or the photon-trap)

   Energy state of vacuum matter and superluminal velocity motion laws of matter
      Superluminal theory expressed by the method of the
Binet's equation in the equivalent polar coordinate
  6 Mechanism of wave-particle duality, wave-front excited wave on the moving direction of particle, and the laws of the
particle fractal motion (the equations of the quantum fractal)

  Extended form of average energy equation (or Einstein-Stern equation), the prediction of quantization effect in the ultra-low frequency band and the very high temperature range
     Tendency differential equation of the average particle number for the statistical distributions
of the particles, negative solution of particle distribution equation and mutual potential model between the Bose-Einstein statistical distribution function and the Fermi-Dirac statistical distribution function
Properties of the frequency interval of Planck’s quantum equation

7 Tendency equations of stable nuclides,  limit of periodic table of chemical element, and tendency distribution equation (with the characteristics of dense distribution in the partial closed intervals and sparse distribution in the few open intervals) of the particles mass

   Tendency equation of average binding energy per nucleon (or specific binding energy) of stable nuclide, and a theoretical maximum of the nuclear binding energy and its corresponding number of protons
equation of abundances of elements in the Solar System
      Tendency equation of the potential energy curve of the diatomic molecule

8 Coupled phenomenological model of the relationship among the rotation, rotation and the global plate motion of the Earth
Biological periodic forced evolution law under the activating by the state of the Earth
The biological system structure on the Earth, and tendency equations of biological growth curves
      PSSIR model equations and its approximate solutions
     Equation of relationship between the total annual energy consumption with the annual GDP of a country
(such as the specific equation and the limit value of the total annual energy consumption in the United States at a certain stage)
 Equation of relationship between the annual population with the annual GDP of a country (such as the specific equation and the limit value of  the annual population in the United Kingdom at a certain stage)

  Comparative analysis of the total population limit values and the annual total energy consumption limit values between China and the United States at a certain stage
     Simplified tendency equation of relation between the average per capita annual income of deferent social level and the proportion of the total population in a country

9 Continuous orbit theory and discrete orbit (or stable orbit) theory of the celestial body motion

   General form of Binet's equation of the celestial body motion orbit  
Approximate solutions for orbit equations of the celestial bodies motion in weak and strong gravitational field 


Reports and Papers( »Abstract:html pdf  / »研究报告及论文摘要:html pdf

  1 YAN Kun. Energy-exchange descriptions on the superluminal velocity and quantum fractal


  2 YAN Kun. The general expression of Binet equation about celestial bodies motion orbits

                  "Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese with abstract in English),2005, 20(2): 534539.  DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2005.02.052."

  3 YAN Kun. The tendency analytical equations of stable nuclides and the superluminal velocity motion laws of matter in geospace


                  "Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese with abstract in English),2006, 21(1): 3847. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2006.01.007."

  4 YAN Kun. Introduction on background medium theory about celestial body motion orbit and equation of non-integral order calculus about self-similar fractal measure calculation

                   "Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese with abstract in English), 2007, 22(2): 451462. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2007.02.018."

  5 YAN Kun. Research on adaptive connection equation in discontinuous area of data curve
"Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese with abstract in English), 2011,26(1): 162171. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2011.01.018."

  6 YAN Kun. Brief annotation of the connection equation

  7 YAN Kun.  Analysis method of PSSIR model equations and its tendency prediction for the infection data of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP) in China

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